Students will develop the ability to:
- Identify the responsibilities and rights of the individual in human society.
- Appraise the impact of other cultures on the development of one’s own ideas and beliefs.
- Demonstrate how differences in race, gender, religion, ethnicity, social class, disability, sexual orientation, and linguistic background contribute to the pervasive realities of stereotyping and discrimination.
- Explain principles of group behavior and how systems of authority, order, and control influence those group behaviors.
- Explain the social and historical circumstances that form the basis of the beliefs, experiences and actions of culturally diverse groups.
- Articulate the different assumptions, beliefs and perspectives of people from different cultural backgrounds and demonstrate respect for the beliefs, values, traditions, and practices of people from other cultures.
- ANT 101
- ART 105
- ART 106
- COM 160
- CRJ 219
- CRJ 251
- DST 110
- DST 251
- ECE 110
- ECE 111
- ECE 113
- ECE 222
- ECE 244
- ECE 245
- ECN 111
- ECN 112
- EDU 150
- EDU 225
- ENG 217
- ENG 255
- ENG 256
- ENG 257
- ENG 259
- ESL 126
- GVT 111
- GVT 112
- GVT 251
- HOS 135
- HST 111
- HST 112
- HST 113
- HST 114
- HST 115
- HST 226
- HST 251
- HST 253
- HST 257
- HST 259
- HST 265
- HUM 101
- HUM 110
- HUM 120
- HUM 150
- HUM 264
- HUM 272
- HUM 291
- MAS 101
- PHL 101
- PHL 152
- PSY 101
- PSY 257
- PSY 271
- SER 101
- SOC 101
- SOC 210
- SOC 212
- SOC 251
- SOC 252
- SOC 256
- SOC 257
- SOC 258
- SSC 101