BIO 129 : Field Biology

This is an introduction to natural history with special emphasis on identification of Massachusetts terrestrial plants and animals in the outdoors. A wide range of topics will be presented including animal behavior, map reading, geology, basic principles of natural history, biogeography, taxonomy, and collecting. Combined lecture/laboratory two meetings a week. Three class hours and two laboratory hours per week. Instructional Support Fee applies. Gen. Ed. Competencies Met: Scientific Reasoning and Discovery.
  1. Describe and discuss the essential concepts of ecology, botany, ornithology, and entomology.
  2. Explain the difference between native, non-native and invasive species, and apply taxonomic principles and tools to identify organisms.
  3. Identify various habitats based on biotic and abiotic components.
  4. Compile, accurately label and present a collection of organisms for further study.
  5. Model the process of science through ecological field study focused on local ecosystems in Southeastern Massachusetts, including the way in which scientists collect, analyze and communicate data.





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