HST 280 : Democracy: From Theory to Practice
What is a democracy? How can we identify it? Why should we care about it? Using an interdisciplinary approach, this course explores the challenges of creating and maintaining a healthy democracy. Students will examine components of modern democratic institutions and practices, including elections, civil society, participation, representation, equity and diversity, and human rights within the United States and across the world. Gen. Ed. Competencies Met: Critical Thinking, Ethical Dimensions, Global and Historic Awareness.
Course Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: 1) Identify basic political processes. 2) Evaluate the efficacy of democracy in a variety of nations. 3) Examine the ways that diversity enhances democracy. 4) Explain the various threats and challenges to democracy. 5) Analyze the extent to which democratic ideals are realized in the United States and in nations around the world.