CUL 153 : Baking Technologies

This course explores the theory and food science of the baking process. It examines the principles and functions of ingredients (flours, fats, sweeteners, dairy) used in baking and pastry production. Students explore the variables of bakery ingredients and the physical behavior of the product from ingredients through formulation and production. The course uses oral and written reports to emphasize the analysis of the final products. Participation in culinary functions is required. Prerequisite: CUL 151 or concurrent enrollment. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours per week. Instructional Support Fee applies.
1. Describe the function of ingredients used in baking and pastry products. 2. Evaluate the production techniques and formulas used in baking and pastry products 3. Explain how to improve final products outcome if necessary. 4. Create new recipes to meet consumer tastes based on class experiments





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