AGR 213 : Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Agriculture
This course is an introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Local agricultural pests will be surveyed, as well as weeds and diseases and their impact on crops. The course will focus on identification of pest problems and sustainable methods of integrated pest management including cultural, biological and physical control methods. Concepts of building and maintaining healthy soil, plant and insect biological cycles as key to ecological pest control will be explored. Structural and public health pests will also be discussed. Chemical control methods described will be such that are least toxic and permissible by the National Organic Program standards.
Course Outcomes
1. Describe the history and development of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
2. Define the factors that promote disease and pest outbreaks.
3. Develop effective solutions for prevention and mitigation to key pest problems
4. Monitor for pests through various sampling IPM methods
5. Describe cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical control options
6. Survey biological and chemical options in pest and weed control
7. Describe health and environmental concerns associated with pesticide use
8. Construct an IPM program