Degrees and Certificates

Associate Degrees

Transfer programs listed in this catalog generally lead to the Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree and prepare students for transfer to a four-year college or university. These programs are designed to meet most senior institution requirements. However, students are responsible to make sure that their program will transfer to the institution of their choice. 

Courses of study leading to an Associate in Science (A.S.) degree are generally described in this catalog as career programs. Successfully completing one of these programs prepares students for technical or professional entry-level positions. Many A.S. programs also allow students to transfer to four-year institutions.

Courses of study leading to the Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree are designed to lead directly to employment in a specific occupational area. The career courses in these programs are linked to current practices in the work world.


Bristol offers three levels of certificates:

  • Certificate of Achievement 24-29 credits
  • Certificate of Accomplishment 15-23 credits
  • Certificate of Recognition less than 15 credits

Graduates earning the Certificate of Achievement will be recognized at Commencement.

Earning a Second Degree

To qualify for a second associate degree, a student must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours beyond the first degree and meet all specific degree requirements of the second program. Students may earn one degree in an academic program of study. Students that have earned a degree in a program concentration cannot be awarded a second degree in the same program with a different concentration. In order to earn a degree students must be matriculated in an active program.